EPA 608 Test Prep Course

HVAC Training for Technicians: EPA 608 Certification Test Prep

As part of our Qtech HVAC training online course offerings, the ACCA EPA 608 Certification Test Prep Course is a self-paced program that will aid you in your efforts to become certified under the refrigerant recovery and recycling program of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 

To become certified, you must pass a written or oral test consisting of multiple-choice questions. There are four sections to the test. The first is the Core, which must be passed, along with at least one of the three other sections. For heating, air conditioning and refrigeration technicians, the EPA has three levels of certification:

  • Type I - Small Appliances
  • Type II - High Pressure Appliances
  • Type III - Low Pressure Appliances

Proof of certification is required to purchase refrigerants covered by Section 608 regulations.

Please Note:This is a prep course for the EPA 608 Exam. This is NOT THE EPA 608 EXAM. Click here for information on taking/purchasing the real exam.

This course is not designed to make you a qualified technician! Extensive on-the-job training coupled with related educational classroom sessions are a must for anyone who plans to be a competent technician. If it is your desire to learn about the trade through this document, you will be disappointed-there is no single book that can teach you everything you need to know about HVACR or any other industry.

up-icon.pngWho It's For

This unique resource is designed for technicians who already have a working knowledge of the trade and wish to become EPA 608 certified. 

EPA regulations (40 CFR Part 82, Subpart F) under Section 608 of the Clean Air Act require that technicians who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of equipment that could release ozone-depleting refrigerants into the atmosphere be certified. The test questions for that certification test were updated in 2018.

*Bronze Member price. Save more with Gold or Silver ACCA Memberships.


up-icon.pngWhat Is Covered

By the end of this course, students will have been exposed to every topic and question that could appear on the EPA 608 Test. By listening to each section of the online course and reviewing the accompanying online manual, you will have the resources you need to pass the test!

To take the full course is just a little over 3 hours. You can access the course anytime of day, it's available 24/7. Just log in and pick up where you left off. 

Introduction (20 minutes)
Covers: EPA Wheel, Background, 608 Clean Air Act, 608 test format, Defining a technician, 608 test types, 608 certification, resources/links and Definitions of Section 608 terms and more.  

Part 1 (19 minutes)
Covers: Environmental Impacts, Ozone Layer, Stratospheric Air Samples, Classifications of CFC, HCFC, HFC refrigerants, etc., and more. 
Part 2 (24 minutes)
Covers: Clean Air Act, Phase out dates, Venting prohibition, Montreal Protocol, and more. 
Part 3 (13 minutes)
Covers: System-dependent vs. Self-Contained equipment, 3rd party certification, refrigerant sales restrictions, Recover, Recycle, Reclaim, and more. 
Part 4 (17 minutes)
Covers: Refrigerants states and pressures, gauges, service valves, leak detection, leak rate, and more. 
Part 5 (26 minutes)
Covers: Recovery techniques, Good evacuation practices, proper documentation, risks of exposure, ASHRAE 34 Limits, Reusable Cylinders, and more.  
Core Assessment

Type I
Type I Test (13 minutes)
Covers: Small Appliances: definitions, evacuation requirements, techniques, pressures & temperatures, methods of recovery, and more. 
Type I Assessment 

Type II Test
Type II Test - Part 1 (13 minutes)
Covers: High Pressure Appliances: signs of leakage, large system rules, recovery techniques, reducing cross contamination, evacuation requirements, and more. 
Type II Test - Part 2 (13 minutes)
Covers: High Pressure Appliances: trigger rate, EPA program dates, refrigeration, pressure temperature relationships, components of high pressure appliances, safety, and more. 
Type II Assessment 

Type III Test
Type III Test - Part 1 (15 minutes)
Covers: Low Pressure Appliances: signs of leakage, maximum leak inspections, leak inspection requirements, and more. 
Type III Test - Part 2 (15 minutes)
Covers: Low Pressure Appliances: leak repair requirements, commerical refrigeration, retrofitting vs. retiring, evacuation requirements, safety, and more. 
Type III Assessment 

    up-icon.pngHow It Works

    Once you enroll and pay, you will receive an email to sign in/register. If it's your first time using our new system, you will need to enter your access code and user information. If returning, just use the link above and use the “Sign In” tab and enter your email address and password.

    Once you are in, you will see a 4 part video instruction. You can access the course anytime of day, it's available 24/7. Just log in and pick up where you left off. Once you have completed each section, there is a multiple choice quiz, you need to earn 70% to pass.


    up-icon.pngSample Video

    up-icon.pngSign Up Today

    Click here to enroll in the online program.

    The cost for the online program is $85.00