Existing Homes Program

It's true: some contractors are better than others.

ACCA Quality Assured Accreditation is your proof.

Existing Homes Program

QA Residential Service & Installation (RSI) is an accreditation program for contractors that want to prove to their customers in the residential replacement marketplace that they follow the acceptable guidelines for quality HVAC installation.

Homeowners: Click here to find a QA RSI accredited contractor.

It’s true that not all contractors are created equal, and those contractors who perform truly quality work have long clamored for a way to prove that they are better than their competitors. To meet this need, the ACCA Board of Directors created the RSI accreditation.

Participating contractors agree to follow the recommended business practices in the QA Contractor Elements. These practices are necessary for an operation to provide quality service and replacement work.

Application Process

QA Contractor Accreditation is open to all contractors able to meet the requirements; ACCA membership is not required. (ACCA members receive a $200 discount on QA program fees.) 

Already an accredited New Homes Contractor? If so, complete the RSI orientation and earn that accreditation as well.

If you are new to the QA Program, the application is a multi-step process. Click here to learn more and apply.  Successful applicants can choose to participate in the New Homes program, the Existing Homes (RSI) program, or both. There is only one fee and one application process. 

Current QA Program Fees

First Year Application & Participation Fee:

$800 ($600 ACCA members)
Click here to apply
Note: If your application is not processed, your first year fee will be refunded. After 90 days since payment, we cannot issue a refund.

Renewing Annual Participation Fee:

$800 ($600 ACCA members)
Click here to renew

ENERGY STAR Verified HVAC Installation

ENERGY STAR® is a brand that 90% of customers know, and one that influences their purchasing decisions. ENERGY STAR Verified HVAC Installation (ESVI) Certificates stand on that brand recognition and add credibility to your proposals. 

ESVI certification can be achieved on its own, but it is also included as part of almost every Verified System Performance (VSP) certificate through ACCA’s Quality Installation (QI) program. With a QI certificate, you can maximize the value of both the ENERGY STAR brand as well as the third-party, data-driven verification of Quality Installation.

Here's how to get started:

Become a QA RSI accredited contractor:

  1. Sign up for a My ENERGY STAR Account (MESA).
  2. Download the Ask About ESVI Logo and other free tools to market a quality installation— customize and print the ESVI Tear Sheet (from MESA), Brochure (order free: qa@acca.org) and/or ACCA's QI ComforTool.
  3. Take the time to perform a Quality Installation and download the measureQuick app to verify your work.
  4. Take a picture as you present your first ESVI certificate to your customer and use our sample press release to market this unique value-added service.


  1. Take the time to perform a Quality Installation and download the measureQuick app to verify your work.
  2. Complete the QI certification process quickly and easily through the measureQuick app.
  3. Each installation can earn either a VEO or VSP certificate. High-efficiency systems will also earn ESVI certificates.

The ACCA QI Mobile App can be found at:


    Home Performance Basics

    ACCA’s entry level video series designed to introduce the building science based home performance/whole system approach.

    These videos are designed to be an introduction into home performance.  They are broken down into 35 individual presentations.  For the best results they should be watched in the numbered order.  

    For in depth training videos designed to help contractors and technicians meet the requirements in ANSI/ACCA 12 QH-2014 Home Evaluation and Performance Improvement visit ACCA’s QTech at: http://www.acca.org/certification/qtech

    Available for Free to all QA Program Participants and ACCA Members. 

    Click here to watch!


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