Government Relations

Government Relations & Advocacy

ACCA Advocates for You and Your Business!

ACCA serves the entire indoor environment contracting industry. We are the industry’s voice on Capitol Hill and before state legislators, utilities, code officials, the media, manufacturers, and other industry sectors. You can make a difference by making your voice and the ACCA contractor agenda heard by contacting Congress or your state legislature. Use ACCA’s own Grassroots Action Center to send a message to your lawmakers conveying your support or opposition on important issues affecting the small businesses of the HVACR industry and your bottom line!

Get engaged! Choose from the categories below to learn more.


My Government

Understand how the system works and who's making the decisions.

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Contact your representatives about top industry priorities.

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Review important election dates and deadlines, find out which candidates will be on your ballot, and learn more about upcoming elections.

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School or Training Program


Join fellow ACCA members in voluntarily pooling resources for political candidates who support our members' top priorities.

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ACCA Top Priorities

Learn more about HVAC licensing requirements in your state here.