Building Performance

Just for You

Home and building performance involves more than HVAC. ACCA is the contractors' resource for whole building energy efficiency solutions.

Gone are the days when a contractor could install a box and move on. Now homeowners and building owners want to know how to reduce their carbon footprint, how to lower their energy bills, and how to improve overall comfort and health.

ACCA members are at the forefront of this dynamic market, because they already have the right expertise, and the right relationships in place, to promote true energy efficiency. 

ACCA offers exclusive member resources to help contractors enter this market, grow this market, and dominate this market.

Listen & Learn

ACCA Members: Check out these interviews with top building performance contractors from ACCA Magazine, archived for your listening pleasure and enrichment.

ACCA Standards

ACCA wrote the standard on Home Performance!

ACCA-12 QH (Existing Home Evaluation and Performance Improvement) is the industry standard for assessing deficiencies in existing home performance and making recommendations for performance improvements. This standard outlines exactly what is to be included in an audit, how to identify opportunities for improvement, and how to meet improvement objectives.

Download the ACCA QH standard here. It's free!

Articles for Members

ACCA members receive a special newsletter featuring articles and resources related to Building Performance. Check out archived articles from the newsletter here.

Read Updates & Reports (Members Only)

Building Performance Council

The Building Performance Council is an advisory committee of member contractors who offer insight and advice to ACCA's staff and Board of Directors on issues related to building and home performance. They help identify industry issues and suggest ways in which technical staff might support contractors on those matters through standards and codes.

Current chairman of the BPC is Rob Minnick of Minnick's, Inc. He also serves as an ex officio member of ACCA's Board.

BPC Advisory Committee Members Only

ACCA Conference

Each year, thousands of America's best contractors, including the country's top commercial contractors, convene at the ACCA Conference.

The ACCA Conference features a special program track on Building Performance, focused exclusively on both residential and commercial home and building performance. Top contractors share real techniques for expanding into energy services, improving your customers' lives, and growing your profit margins.

Additional program tracks offer in-depth learning on leadership and strategy, business operations, residential HVAC, commercial HVAC, and more.

Join Us at ACCA

Interested in participating as a faculty member at an ACCA conference? Share your experience and best ideas with your peers. Contact for more information.