Top Issues: COVID-19 Liability Protection
BACKGROUND: Essential workers, including HVACR contractors across the country continue to work tirelessly and adapt in incredible ways to safely provide their communities with much-needed goods and services, in addition to keeping workers employed and the American economy afloat. But, as those workers and businesses keep our communities safe and provided for, there is real concern that despite doing their best to follow applicable government guidelines, they will be forced to defend against an onslaught of frivolous lawsuits. Unfortunately, this concern has already begun to materialize.
COVID-19-related lawsuits and their consequent exorbitant legal costs could deter entities from engaging in business and economic activity, and they could ultimately cripple small businesses and have extreme adverse effects on the HVACR contracting industry.
SOLUTION: ACCA supported S. 4317, the SAFE TO WORK Act in the 116th Congress, and supports its reintroduction in the 117th Congress. This legislation would offer common sense liability protections to essential workers—including HVACR professionals. In the past, Congress has come together in times of crisis to pass needed liability protections with strong bipartisan support. ACCA strongly feels that the same resolve is needed today in order to protect our members from unnecessary, costly COVID-19 related legal actions.