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Residential Quality Maintenance Checklist 

06-30-2015 09:53 AM

Download this tool to help homeowners evaluate the maintenance programs offered by contractors to ensure that quality maintenance is being conducted.

The checklist below will help homeowners evaluate maintenance proposals. The questions found in the ‘What to Ask the Contractor’ column are designed to help you determine whether or not the contractor is complying with the industry-recognized standard maintenance practices. When filling out the checklist, simply write a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ reflecting the contractors’ response to each question in the box provided. After the interview, you will have an indication as to whether the contractors’ proposed services meet the requirements in the Quality Maintenance Standard (ANSI/ACCA 4 QM). Always remember that before signing any agreement, you should compare the contractor’s written maintenance agreement with the interview responses to make sure that they are the same. The time to clarify questions is before the contract is signed.

#Residential  #QualityStandards #CustomerServices

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QM-Checklist-2024.pdf   262 KB   1 version
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