Manual RS - Comfort, Air Quality, & Efficiency by Design
ACCA’s Manual RS: Comfort, Air Quality, and Efficiency By Design guides contractors through the design stage to the completion stage of residential heating and cooling system installations. Manual RS goes over how to achieve optimal performance and comfort for homeowners, additionally covering issues that affect system selection decisions and providing guidance for following through with these obstacles.
Manual RS easily allows contractors to select, size, and arrange the correct heating or cooling system components. In Manual RS, you’ll learn about residential zoning issues - multiple, single-zone, and central multi-zone systems - and includes advice on working with homeowners to adapt the heating or cooling system design to meet modern home design features.
Manual RS is divided into eleven informative sections with an additional eight appendices for supplementary material.
Section 1 - Comfort
Section 1 covers occupant comfort, including the factors that affect comfort, including temperature, humidity, air motion, clothing, indoor air quality, and surface temperature.
- Occupied Zone
- Occupant-Environment Heat Balance
- Comfort Charts
- Indoor Design Conditions
- Temperature Swings and Gradients
- Cold Floors
- Humidity Control During the Cooling Season
- Humidity Control During the Heating Season
- Air Motion Within the Occupied Zone
- Air Quality
- Noise
- Minimum Performance Standards - Single-Zone Systems
- Minimum Performance Standards - Multi-Zone Systems
Section 2 - Indoor Air Quality
Section 2 goes over the importance of indoor air quality, including aspects of the house that may affect air quality, such as vents, chimneys, appliances, exhaust systems, and the performance of HVAC systems.
- Classification of Air Quality Problems
- Outdoor Air Requirements
- Exhaust Equipment
- Duct Leakage
- Air Filters
- Temperature and Humidity Control
- Air Motion in the Occupied Space
- Ventilation Strategies
- Maintenance and Installation
- System Commissions
- Radon
Section 3 - Zoning
Section 3 serves as a guide to properly zone HVAC system installations.
- Zoning Not Required
- Zones Created by Isolation
- Incompatible Load Patterns
- Buoyancy Problems
- Architectural Review
- Occupancy Considerations
- Economics of Zone Control
- Load Pattern Compatibility
- Zoning Requirements Must Be Evaluated
- Procedure for Evaluating Zone Requirements
- Multi-Level Homes
- Rambling Floor Plans
- Town Houses
- Condominiums
- Get the Most Out of Single-Zone Systems
- Continuous Blower
- Supplemental Equipment
- Additional Information about Zoned System
Section 4 - Thermal Envelope
Section 4 discusses the importance of thermal envelopes, heat flow, air leakage, and moisture migration in HVAC system installations
- Comfort Issues
- Zoning Problem
- Economic Issues
- Insulation
- Vapor Barriers
- Windows and Doors
- Crack Sealing and Air Infiltration Barriers
- Attic Ventilation
- Exhaust Fans and Appliance Vents
- Ducts in Unconditioned Spaces
- Codes and Regulations
- Return on Investment
Section 5 - Residential HVAC Systems
Section 5 contains everything you need to know about installing Residential HVAC Systems, including energy conversion equipment, distribution systems, and controls.
- System Classification
- System Comparison
- Central Forced Air Systems
- Circulating Water Systems
- Radiant Heating Panels
- Distributed Systems
- Evaporative Cooling Systems
- Reclaim Ventilation Systems
- Hot Tubs and Swimming Pools
Section 6 - Primary Equipment
Section 6 serves as an overview of the different types of Primary Equipment.
- Primary Equipment
- Ratings and Performance Standards
- Application Data
- Installation Procedures
- Safety, Combustion Air, and Venting Standards
- Codes and Regulations
- Heat Sources and Heat Sinks
- Central Cooling Equipment
- Air-to-Air Heat Pumps
- Water-to-Air Heat Pumps
- Air-to-Water or Water-to-Water Heat Pumps
- Multi-Zone Equipment
- Dual-Fuel Heating Equipment
- Furnaces
- Boilers
- Hydronic Terminal Devices
- Electric Resistance Heat
- Packaged Terminal Equipment
- Window Air Conditioners and Heat Pump
Section 7 - Winter Humidification
Section 7 goes over how the Winter season affects aspects of HVAC system humidification.
- Desirable Heating-Season Humidity Level
- Construction Detail Limits Humidity Level
- Moisture Migration
- Humidification Load
- Humidification Equipment
- Performance Characteristics
- Pan Humidifiers
- Wetted Media Humidifiers
- Atomizing Humidifiers
- Steam Humidifiers
- ARI Ratings
- Application Data
- Controls
- Installation
- Summary of the Design Procedure
Section 8 - Filters
Section 8 serves as an overview of the different kinds of pollutants that can contaminate a house and the importance of filters.
- Controlling Contaminates
- Filtration Mechanics
- Measuring Particle Size
- Particle Distributions
- Particle Size and Filter Effectiveness
- Setting Rate
- Measuring Filter Efficiency
- Air-Side Pressure Drop
- Dirt Loading
- Types of Filters
- Filter Maintenance
- Controlling Odors and Gasses
Section 9 - Controls
Section 9 goes over the various types of controls across an HVAC system.
- Thermostats
- Gas Furnace Control
- Oil Furnace Control
- Controlling Electric Resistance Heat
- Hot Water Heating System Controls
- Cooling Equipment Controls
- Heat Pumps Controls
Section 10 - Air System Design
Section 10 details the process of selecting and designing an air system.
- Design Procedure Flow Chart
- System Selection
- Load Calculations
- Equipment Sizing
- Air Distribution
- Distribution System Design
- Air-Side Balancing
Section 11 - Energy and Operating Cost Calculations
Section 11 details the various operating and energy costs associated with installing an HVAC system, along with code and standard compliance.
- Utility of Economic Calculations
- The Calculations Should be Site-Specific
- Ease of Use
- Range of Application
- Compatibility With Codes and Rating Systems
- Reports
- Output Graphics
- Simulation Capability
- Single-Value Efficiency Ratings
- Comments on Efficiency Descriptors
- The Load-Hour Equations
- Descriptors and Dynamic Envelope Models
- Seasonal Efficiency Not Published
- Validation of Software Products
- Comprehensive Calculation Tool
Appendix 1 - Glossary
Appendix 2 - Replacement and Retrofit
- Classification of Retrofit Work
- Survey
- Final Design
- Logistics and Pricing
Appendix 3 - Provisions for Testing and Balancing the System
- Design a System That Can Be Balanced
- Balancing Dampers Required
- Provisions for Performing the Balancing Work
- Document the Design
Appendix 4 - Vibration and Sound Control
- Best Location for Indoor Equipment
- Split Cooling Systems - Outdoor Unit
- Isolation From Structure
- Equipment Pad
- Vibration Isolators
- Flexible Connections
- Hangers, Breaks, and Reinforcements
- Airborne Equipment Noise
- Airborne Noise in Ducts
Appendix 5 - Pipe Sizing
- Refrigerant Piping
- Water-Piping Systems
- Gas-Piping Systems
- Oil-Piping Systems
- Steam-Piping Systems
Appendix 6 - Venting Gas and Oil Heating Equipment
- Terms and Definitions
- Factors That Affect Vent Performance
- Vent and Chimney Operating Temperatures
- Venting Requirements - Gas-Fired Equipment
- Venting Requirements - Oil-Fired Equipment
- Methods, Materials and Clearances
- Combustion Air
- Draft Pressure Controls
- Codes and Regulations
Appendix 7 - Power Wiring
- Power Requirements
- Internal Wiring
- Wiring Diagrams
- Utility Regulations
Appendix 8 - Codes
- Specification Codes and Performance Codes
- Health Codes, Safety Codes, and Policy Codes
- Code Promulgation
- Code Wiring Organizations