Upcoming Episodes
September 17 – 12 PM ET
Guest: Eddie McFarlane, ACCA Senior Vice Chair
Topic: Scaling technology in a large business.
Join Eddie McFarlane as he chats with Brian about the trials and tribulations of implementing technology in medium to a large HVAC business. There are so many tools available for your tech stack (and they’re expensive), so what has is worth the money.
- What to do (and what NOT to do) when you consider technology solutions,
- How to filter through the noise, and
- Why you need to prioritize these key elements in your decision.
It’s going to be a FAST half-hour discussion with a few minutes at the end for your questions.
Register Now
October 22 – 12 PM ET
Guest: Chris Hughes - Business Development Manager, The Energy Conservatory (TEC)
Topic: Identifying and correcting airflow issues using technology.
Join us as Chris Hughes and Brian discuss how to leverage technology and DATA to solve HVAC problems in your home! 90% of tested forced-air systems need corrective action, and 50% of systems had the wrong airflow! But, if you don’t measure, you don’t know.
- Why test
- How to test
- What to test
Testing can be hard. Technology makes it easy. This half hour discussion is going to fly by!
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November 19 – 12 PM ET
Guest Kyle Riccardi - Owner, A/C Authority
Topic: Small business challenges with implementing technology.
December 3 – 12 PM ET
Guest: Tersh Blissett - Founder of Small Business Automations & CEO of Service Emperor
Topic: AI is here! What should I do and not do with it for my business?
January 21 - 12 PM ET
Josh Koplin - Co-Founder of EDEN Instant Quote
Topic: Why putting your pricing online isn't as scary as you think.