Membership Growth Committee

Membership Growth Committee

Learn. Grow. Connect. Fight.

Committee purpose: 

The Membership Growth Committee is dedicated to two primary objectives. First, it focuses on attracting new members to ACCA, understanding that a larger membership base amplifies our voice and influence within the industry. Second, they are committed to retaining current members by fostering engaging and meaningful dialogue that enhances their experience with ACCA. Acting as the marketing arm of ACCA, this group is responsible for promoting our organization, highlighting the benefits and value we provide, and demonstrating how our resources can contribute to the success of businesses in the industry. 


Kurt Hudson,
LC Anderson, Inc., 
Boston, MA

Eric Grennell,
Lakes Region Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning,
Northfield, NH

Committee Members:  

  • Eddie McFarlane, ACCA Sr. Vice Chair – Sila Services, King of Prussia, PA 
  • Paul Adams – Columbia Home Services, Dallas, TX
  • Seth Beitz – Kelso Industries, Phoenix, AZ
  • Vincent Gillette – Gillette Air Conditioning Company, San Antonio, TX
  • Martin Hoover – Empire Heating & Air Conditioning, Decatur, GA
  • Mason Hoover – Empire Heating & Air Conditioning, Decatur, GA
  • Michael Rosenberg – Rosenberg Indoor Climate, San Antonio, TX
  • Brian Stack – Stack Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, & Electrical, Avon, OH

(Not Pictured: Eddie McFarlane, Mason Hoover, and Michael Rosenberg)

Apply for this Committee

Committee Participation Commitment: 

  • Committee members are expected to attend committee meetings including:

  • Eleven (11) monthly 1-hour virtual meetings.

  • One (1) in-person meeting at the annual conference.

  • Committee members are expected to participate in the ACCA Membership Committee Forum and respond to communications promptly.

  • Committee members can expect some coordination/contact outside of meetings.

  • Committee members are expected to attend the annual conference and other planned ACCA events.

  • Committee members are expected to complete a Conflict of Interest and Disclosure of Interest form upon appointment and annually thereafter.

  • Committee members will annually grant prior approval for their company to ACCA-PAC.  

  • Committee members will act as advocates for ACCA events, promoting attendance to their peer networks, colleagues, and other relevant parties.  

  • Committee members will assist ACCA staff in strategically developing new and improving existing ACCA member benefits and programs with the ultimate goal of positioning ACCA as a unique leader in the industry to members and prospective members. 

Additional Committee Co-chair Commitment: 

  • Coordination of committee meeting agenda with ACCA staff, board, and external stakeholders.

  • Communication with committee members on goals and expectations.  

  • Some additional meetings with ACCA staff, board, and other stakeholders on strategic planning initiatives.