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ANSI/ACCA 9QIvp - 2016: HVAC Quality Installation Verification Protocols 

02-14-2014 04:19 PM

Verification activities associated with the ANSI/ACCA 5 QI – 2015 (HVAC Quality Installation Specification), the QI Standard, involve validating that an HVAC installation adheres to the standard’s requirements. A robust, objective HVAC Quality Installation verification effort follows consistent, transparent, and standardized procedures. The 2016 QIvp Standard reflects the changes made to the recently updated 2015 QI Standard.

The QIvp Standard’s evaluation protocols permit two levels of system installation verification: Level 1 consists of an Installation Checklist Verification, and Level 2 consists of a Field Verification in addition to the Level 1 Installation Checklist Verification. The Standard’s programmatic requirements explain the general obligations of the parties involved in such an effort, i.e., program administrator, verifier, and contractor. This portion of the standard also details minimum requirements for programmatic policies and procedures while allowing program administrators flexibility to develop their programmatic documents to reflect the needs of their market.

#QualityStandards #PoliciesandProcedures #ANSI

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QIvp-2016_STD 04.28.16-FULL.pdf   1.03 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 04-28-2016