Jacob Schick
One Tribe Foundation - One Tribe. One Fight.
After a triple-stacked tank mine detonated below his vehicle in Al Anbar Province, Iraq in 2004, Jake suffered compound fractures in his left leg and left arm; multiple skin, ligament and bone losses; varying burns; partial loss of his left hand and arm; amputation below the knee of his right leg, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Jake has undergone over 50 operations, 23 blood transfusions, and countless hours of rehabilitation. Jake will tell will tell you his physical injuries weren’t the worst that happened to him. For years, he dreaded his TBI and PTSD diagnosis; common mindset amongst warriors. "Physical pain reminds you you're alive, mental pain tests your will to stay that way", is a saying that Jake says often regarding suffering mentally. “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional”, is another quote Jake refers to frequently while referring to being a dealer of hope.
Jake has become a staunch advocate for maximizing the potential in people from all walks of life and shares his story and the effects of being severely wounded at public speaking engagements throughout the country motivate people to be better tomorrow than they were today and raise awareness to the epidemic of the 22 warriors that die by suicide every day.
A passionate and fearless leader whose quick wit and stories of intestinal fortitude have a profound impact on everyone he meets. Jake is currently the CEO of One Tribe Foundation, an organization that has created a community that raises awareness and combats suicide by empowering veterans, first responders, and their families through traditional and non-traditional therapies.
Jake has appeared on James Gandolfini’s HBO special “Alive Day Memories: Home from Iraq,” as well as “60 Minute Sports” and various other local and national venues. Jake has been featured in roles in Clint Eastwood's productions’ of “American Sniper” and “The Mule” and has appeared in Bradley Cooper’s production of “A Star is Born”. You can read Jake’s eloquent wisdom on resilience in Psychology Today.